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If you require longer than a 7 night stay or custom dates please call or email 

Tel: 07944 659588

Wake Boarding

Beginner’s – your first time is the most important and we make sure you get the best possible tuition and most enjoyable experience for your first time out on the water.


Our boat is equipped with a training boom on the side to ensure you learn to get up the right way. We also use a deep ‘V’ handle for those learning to get up on the wakeboard or kneeboard for the first time.


Also try wakeskating which is similar to wakeboarding however the board is slightly shorter and without bindings, this gives it a much more skateboard feel and enables you to do skateboard tricks. The top surface of the board is covered like a skateboard with grip tape or ribbed foam to provide some friction for the rider; and similar to skateboarding riders will pop tricks off the wake. How about Wakesurfing? Its just like it says, surfing the boat wake when going at a much slower speed.


Do you fancy kneeboarding?


It’s where you are towed on a buoyant board, at a planing speed, behind a speed boat. Usually the rider sits on their heels on the board, and secures themselves to the deck with an adjustable strap over their thighs. Just like water skiing or wakeboarding you hang onto a tow-rope attached to a speed boat.


This is ideal for those who are still a little bit apprehensive to go out and try water skiing or wakeboarding for the first time; but still want to experience the feeling of being towed by a boat. Our kneeboards have a handle hook on the front which makes getting up and going along easier than ever.

Seasonal availability between April and September – please check direct with Tallington Lakes on 01778347000